
25 March / Residential

HongKong, as a lot of super crowded city, is notorious for housing shortage and a lots of people have to live in small room since they just simpliy can’t afford spacious place. Hence, how to live comfortable with limited square footage is a big challenge for Hongkong based interior design companies. We once wrote about a transformable room which has 24 room configuration on 344 square foot and today, we will introduce you another creative design by Sim-Plex Design Studio - a 324 square foot micro apartment.

18 March / Residential

This spacious appartment has 150 sqm indoor area and around 60 sqm outdoor terrace, which gives the interior stadio plenty of room to show their talents. Unlike the common flooring you might see in most homes, the glossy white floors has been applied throughout the entrance, the hallway, the living room – both the kitchen and the dining area. Beside the bright white, some sparks of color like yellow, orange and blue are used to give energy and cheer up the spirit.

11 March / Residential

If you have kids, you might know that 73 square meter apartment isn’t that large if you want to maintain your life quality and give enough space for kids to play. Developed by the architects at Glenn Medioni, the owner of the apartment below wants the design studio helps them to optimize the space and to make the child’s room bigger.

04 March / Residential

This Gallery looking place is newly renovated for a retired couples who wanted a base which is easy to manage, comfortable, feels stylish and new and is also a good backdrop for their art collection. The place itself is relatively small but with other advantages like high ceilings and large windows. Considering the couple’s life style, the designer convinced them not to go for a second bedroom, but instead lavish the space on themselves, with a bathroom each, generous storage space and a large living room with a connecting sitting room and kitchen diner.

22 February / Gardening

Glass plant terrarium isn’t something new and we have featured many creative ideas of how to put plant and terrarium together. Among those plant terrarium, some of them used customized glass container while the rest just make use of worn items like old coffee pot or light bulb. However, most of those designs are still round-ish ordinary container. British designer Tom Dixon tries to bring the glass plant terrarium to next level and created below design-focused terrariums.