
02 December / Residential

Designed by Ambidestro Arquitetura, Anita Apartment is a 70m2 apartment located in Porto Alegre, South Brazil. 70m2 isn’t that spacious especially if you want to it can take care of all the daily necessities of its residents. But apparently, the owner wants to privilege the breadth without giving up the design and functionality that an apartment of this size must anticipate.

25 November / Residential

Do you ever wonder how interior designer design their home? Will they do anything special? Today, we will take a peek at penthouse Ukrainian architect Sergey Makhno designed for his own family, where he managed to bring together Japanese aesthetics with the tradition of his country.

20 November / Bathroom

For many people, bathroom is a kind of place they tend to relax completely, abstract themselves from the outer world and just be themselves. Hence, in most times, bathrooms are built with only functionality in mind, there are not many creativity goes there. However, there are some designer do like think out of the box and bring us some really wacky bathroom designs.

18 November / Home Improvement

They say that the kitchen is the heart of the home. However, with the hectic, high pressure lives many of us lead these days, it surely won’t be long until we wake up to the fact that a comfortable, welcoming and stylish lounge or living room is what truly matters.

28 October / Residential

Located in Moscow, Russia, this small but spacious apartment was designed especially for rent. The whole project has pretty low budget - painted walls without leveling, open wiring, concrete ceiling, painted wooden floor boards, and easily restored finishing materials and furniture - industrial metal cabinets, industrial stainless steel tables and shelving and welded furniture.