Tag: home design rss


21 February 2019 / / Home Improvement

Your home is your sanctuary. As with any peaceful setting, how it makes you feel is its main appeal. Since you spend so much time in your home, you want it to be calm and relaxing. So, what can you do to improve its atmosphere? Is it really possible to give your current place an upgrade in serenity?

30 September 2018 / / Residential

Designed by Diego Revollo Arquitetura, this 100 m2 Loft is located in the noble neighborhood of Morumbi, in São Paulo. Handed by the builder almost without walls and already with the mezzanine, the apartment did not need a great remodel. Hence, this project mainly focus on how to cleverly use the space and provides elegant finishes.

09 September 2018 / / Home Improvement

If you like the minimalist trend, simply for the way it looks, and not as an entire lifestyle, you may want to decorate your home in the minimalist style – without taking on the entire ethos. But how can you decorate like a minimalist when you have so much stuff? Easy. Here’s how to decorate your home like a minimalist – when you’re not a minimalist.

06 May 2018 / / Residential

Situated on one of the highest places in İzmir, the Bornova penthouse is a combination of a city home, office, party area and even a comfy hotel concept at times. The flat represents the style of tranquility of Wabi-Sabi combined with the fresh style of Scandinavia.

25 March 2018 / / Residential

HongKong, as a lot of super crowded city, is notorious for housing shortage and a lots of people have to live in small room since they just simpliy can’t afford spacious place. Hence, how to live comfortable with limited square footage is a big challenge for Hongkong based interior design companies. We once wrote about a transformable room which has 24 room configuration on 344 square foot and today, we will introduce you another creative design by Sim-Plex Design Studio - a 324 square foot micro apartment.

15 December 2017 / / Residential

Exposed brick is very on trend right now. It adds a certain warmth and hominess to a space that people are drawn to. The key to making it look right in your home and having it work well within the space is decorating it the right way. There are tons of creative ways to play up an exposed brick wall and make it look great.