Tag: micro apartment rss


13 May 2018 / / Residential

How the student houses looks like in your memory? For the people like me who has left school for 14 years, I never thought I can have my own kitchen in my flat, a personal ensuite is best I can wish for. While Inspired by the tiny house movement, Standard Studio transformed office building ‘Hermes City Plaza’ into a residential building with 218 student houses which are used to house the freshman year students by Erasmus University.

25 March 2018 / / Residential

HongKong, as a lot of super crowded city, is notorious for housing shortage and a lots of people have to live in small room since they just simpliy can’t afford spacious place. Hence, how to live comfortable with limited square footage is a big challenge for Hongkong based interior design companies. We once wrote about a transformable room which has 24 room configuration on 344 square foot and today, we will introduce you another creative design by Sim-Plex Design Studio - a 324 square foot micro apartment.

28 January 2018 / / Architecture / Residential

Housing shortage is a serious problem in many parts of the world, especially like Tokyo, HongKong, Shanghai those large cities in Asia. Due to the reality, many people are forced to live in terrible condition or pay high rents. To ease Hong Kong’s affordable housing problems, a Hong Kong-based studio James Law Cybertecture try to develop affordable micro-housing in 2.5m diameter concrete water pipe. The design utilizes the strong concrete structure to house a mirco-living apartment for one/two persons with fully kitted out living, cooking and bathroom spaces inside 100 sq.ft.

10 December 2017 / / Residential

What you can do with a 180 Square Feet (17 Square Meter) Apartment? Elena Fateeva from Fateeva Design gives a perfect answer below. The tiny apartment with an area of merely 17.3 square meters located in an old building in the very center of Odessa was inherited by the current owners. In spite of the very limited floor space and the low market value of the place, it appeared quite possible to turn it into a place for long-term rent. And luckily, there is a college nearby, hence apartment like this will be popular among students.