Tag: window decoration rss


10 December 2018 / / Home Improvement

Christmas is just around corner. When I walked on the streets, I can see many families already have their Christmas trees set up. But if you don’t have the time, space or buget to set up a Christmas tree, what we can do to make our home a bit holiday-ish?

09 December 2017 / / Home Improvement

There are many options that you can use to cover your windows in today’s market. With so many choices available, sometimes it can be difficult to find the right one to create the ambiance that you want and to provide the energy efficiency that you need to help you save on your monthly heating costs. Most people don’t pay much attention to what hangs over their windows, but they should. Typically, blinds, draperies, and shutters are what can make the biggest first and last impression in any room.